Laser acupuncture in Manchester
At MOXAY I understand that some individuals, whether children or adults, may experience anxiety or fear at the thought of needles used in traditional acupuncture.
That's why I offer a safe and effective alternative: laser acupuncture in Levenshulme, Manchester.
Laser acupuncture, also known as low-intensity laser therapy or photomedicine, utilizes low-power laser light to stimulate acupuncture points on the body, without the need for needles.
This painless and non-invasive approach is especially beneficial for those who wish to experience the therapeutic benefits of acupuncture without needle usage.
For children and adults with needle phobia
Benefits of Laser Acupuncture
Pain-Free: Eliminates the fear associated with needles, making the experience comfortable and relaxing for adults and children alike.
Safety: Low-intensity laser light is safe and non-invasive, with no risk of injury or side effects.
Effectiveness: Despite the absence of needles, laser acupuncture remains effective in treating a variety of health conditions, from chronic pain to stress and anxiety.
Accessibility: It is an ideal option for individuals who fear needles or those with medical conditions that prevent needle usage.
How Does Laser Acupuncture Work? During a laser acupuncture session, our specialist gently applies laser light to specific acupuncture points on the body. This light stimulates the acupuncture points in the same way that needles would in traditional acupuncture, promoting balance and healing in the body
Book now your session of laser acupuncture in Levenshulme, Manchester here
Is laser acupuncture sutable for me or my child?
Laser acupuncture is suitable for individuals of all ages and health conditions, including children and adults with needle phobia.
Before starting any treatment, I will conduct a comprehensive evaluation to determine if laser acupuncture is the right option for you or your child.
At MOXAY I am committed to providing personalized treatment options to attend individual needs of each patient.
If you are interested in learning more about how laser acupuncture can benefit you or your child, contact today to schedule a consultation!